Teaching in juz 5 of Quran e Kareem which spans from Surah An-Nisa 4:24 to 4:147.
1) Marital Laws and Prohibited Relationships
The Quran outlines lawful and unlawful marriages, emphasizing the sanctity of marriage and moral conduct (4:24-25).
2) Fair Treatment of Women
Women are to be treated with kindness, and their financial and social rights must be honored, including dowry and inheritance rights (4:25, 4:34-35).
3) Justice and Fair Judgment
Believers must uphold justice and fairness, even if it is against themselves or close relatives (4:58, 4:135).
4) Obedience to Allah and the Prophet (PBUH)
The Quran instructs believers to follow the guidance of Allah and His Messenger and resolve disputes through divine teachings (4:59-60).
5) Prohibition of Hypocrisy and Deception
Hypocrites are condemned for pretending to be believers while working against Islam. Their dishonesty and betrayal are criticized (4:61-63, 4:142-145).
6) Rules of Warfare and Defense
Islam permits fighting only for justice and self-defense. It encourages believers to support the oppressed and stand against tyranny (4:74-76).
7) Prohibition of Murder and Suicide
Killing an innocent soul is a major sin with severe consequences, and suicide is strictly forbidden (4:92-93, 4:29-30).
8) Prayers in Difficult Situations
Allah provides flexibility in offering prayers, including shortening them during travel and special rules for prayer in times of danger (4:101-103).
9) Sincerity in Faith and Worship
True belief requires sincerity in actions. Good deeds should be done purely for Allah, not for worldly gain or show (4:125, 4:142-147).
10) Accountability and the Afterlife
Every soul is responsible for its deeds, and Allah will judge with absolute justice on the Day of Judgment (4:87, 4:123-124)